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This induction shrink fitting equipment begins manually loading, auto heating and pressing, manually feeding unloading, adapt to motor housing heating and fitting with stator.


1. Automatic pressing mechanism ensure accurate fitting.

2. Motor house is heating with induction, precise localize heat meet tight production tolerances.

3. Multiple-segment settings for induction heating: There are 5 segment basically and can be customized according to customer requirements.

4. Precise temperature control: In collaboration with the manufacturer,we have jointly developed infrared thermometers with a measurement accuracy of ±1% Measuring range; Closed-loop control system with PID controller, achieving precise temperature control during induction heating process.

5. Aquecimento preciso: Heating time can be accurate to 0.1 seconds.

6. Data Storage: Multiple process parameters storage with one-click for data retrieval.

7. Plentiful interfaces: Can be connected to industrial buses such as RS-485, Profibus, CAN etc. HCGP induction heater is easier to integrated with other machine and achieve production automation.


1. Simple Operation and lower requirement on operator

2. Automation Press system improve products consistency

3. Increase products pass rate with reliable heating and fitting

4. Meet production rate with fast heating

5. Customization available for different type of motor housing and stator winding


The automatic motor stator hot-assembly equipment is mainly used in the field of motor manufacturing and is an indispensable equipment in the motor manufacturing process. During the motor manufacturing process, the motor stator needs to be positioned and hot-packed to ensure the performance and quality of the motor. The automatic motor stator heat-packing equipment can improve the efficiency and precision of heat-packing, reduce manual operation and work intensity, thereby improving the efficiency and quality of motor production.

Shrink Fitting Assembly

Stator and Rotor Assembly

Induction Hot Assembly

Encaixe retrátil por indução

1. How to choose the portable induction heating machine?

Informe-nos as dimensões e a área de aquecimento da peça de trabalho, temperatura de aquecimento e tempo de aquecimento, as well as any specific requirement of heating process, nossa experiência em vendas recomendará o equipamento de aquecimento por indução apropriado.

2. Podemos ver o teste de aquecimento antes de comprar o aquecedor por indução?

A alfândega pode nos enviar a peça para testes de aquecimento em nosso laboratório, and decide whether purchase HCGP induction machine after received the heating testing video and report.

3. Que tal o serviço de instalação e comissionamento?

O manual detalhado e guia para instalação e comissionamento com foto e vídeo serão enviados aos nossos clientes. A maioria de nossos clientes pode concluir a instalação e o comissionamento por conta própria, seguindo nossas instruções. Ainda oferecemos serviço pago de instalação no local.

4. O manual de operação fornece padrões de trabalho para manutenção regular e orientação para lidar com falhas comuns. também ajudamos você a gerenciar seu estoque de peças de reposição.

5. Como o cliente pode obter atendimento quando a máquina apresenta problemas?

We provide 7x24h online technical support and repair service as well as on-site service.

6. Você pode fornecer peças de reparo por um longo tempo?

Sim, ajudaremos nosso cliente a gerenciar seu estoque de peças de reposição.

7. Can you help us design coil for our new produces?

We offer different induction coil service:

  • Induction Coil design with pre-purchase heating testing
  • Induction Coil design for different heating workpieces when purchasing induction equipment
  • Induction Coil design for customers when they developing new products
  • Guide customers to make induction coils on their own
Detalhes da embalagem:
1. Plywood case for export
2. Envoltório adesivo para evitar arranhões
3. Filme plástico para manter a máquina unida
4. Placa de espuma e bloco para evitar agitação
5. Outros requisitos do cliente

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