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  1. Induction Power Unit is air cooling, heating coil can be air cooling for some project, induction machine is more reliable with fault cause by water circuit.
  2. The type of heating coil can be open type, curve, blanket, pad, with frame, adapt to a wide variety of work pieces for induction heating.
  3. Induction heating Device is equipped with wheels for easy movement
  4. Build-in Isolation output transformer for safer operation
  5. Parameter monitoring and display output power, actuel, frequency, temperature curve.
  6. Temperature measurement with k-type thermocouple, thermistor and infrared thermometer, the accurate can be 0.5℃.

Heating Coil

Heating Coil of Air Cooling Induction Machine


Induction air cooling heating equipment are widely used in automatic preheating of circumferential seam welding, anti-corrosion coating, offshore platform welding, hot disassembly and assembly of rotors, Hydrogen removal after welding, metal heating, post-weld heat treatment, straightening, shrink sleeve, heat removal, heat penetration, crystal growth, and hot coating.

applications of air cooled preheating machine


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Modèle Puissance de sortie Max.. Courant d'entrée Gamme de fréquences Inductance Range of coil
Tension d'entrée 380V/50Hz
HCAC-20A 20 33 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-30A 30 49 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-40A 40 66 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-60A 60 98 5-30kHz 30-300
HCAC-80A 80 132 5-25kHz 30-300
HCAC-100A 100 164 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-120A 120 198 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-160A 160 264 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-200A 200 330 5-25kHz 40-400

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