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  1. Integrated design, easy installation and movement for outdoor working.
  2. Portable with lightweight
  3. Convenient, practical and cost-effective
  4. Isolation output transformer for safer operation;
  5. HMI with multiple heating modes setting
  6. Machine is air-cooling without fault cause by water channel problem, reduce failure rate.
  7. Full working load factor more than 90%;
  8. Three temperature measurement methods: K-type thermocouple, thermistor and infrared temperature measurement, up to 28 channels setting, the measurement accuracy can be 0.5℃;
  9. Simple operation with 7 inch touch screen, which display power, actuel, frequency, real-time curves of temperature, and temperature curve can be read with a USB flash drive;
  10. Heating coil can be customized regarding to workpiece and process, such as: opening and closing coil, coil with frame, coils can be flat, curved, strip.
  11. PID temperature closed-loop control, can realize multi-stage curve heating and heat preservation


Induction air cooling heating equipment are widely used in automatic preheating of circumferential seam welding, anti-corrosion coating, offshore platform welding, hot disassembly and assembly of rotors, Hydrogen removal after welding, metal heating, post-weld heat treatment, straightening, shrink sleeve, heat removal, heat penetration, crystal growth, and hot coating.

air-cooled induction heater

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Modèle Puissance de sortie Max.. Courant d'entrée Gamme de fréquences Inductance Range of coil
Tension d'entrée 380V/50Hz
HCAC-20A 20 33 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-30A 30 49 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-40A 40 66 5-30kHz 20-300
HCAC-60A 60 98 5-30kHz 30-300
HCAC-80A 80 132 5-25kHz 30-300
HCAC-100A 100 164 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-120A 120 198 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-160A 160 264 5-25kHz 40-400
HCAC-200A 200 330 5-25kHz 40-400

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